A Stronger Way

The world needs more nurses like you

Fact is: You’re already phenomenal at everything that matters. But life and nursing get in the way.

You’re often too busy picking up that extra shift (or 12) to pay attention to the things that will keep you stronger forever—no matter how small they might seem. Who has time to make a budget, meditate, not eat an entires bag of gummy bears for lunch, and work on their relationships?

Even when you know better (because you’ve taken care of hundreds of patients in your career), getting yourself to do better isn’t always possible.

That’s where Stronger Nurse comes in. Our mission is to empower you to be the self-reliant, independent, strong AF nurse you are—no matter where in the world you choose to work. Our content (which will show you how easy it is to step into your own power and celebrate when you do) combined with your ability to show up and heal, are exactly what the world needs to build a stronger future. 

So, join Stronger Nurses everywhere making a difference and building a stronger world.




Volunteering 101

Author: Adesuwa Ebuehi

Volunteering is a great way to get involved with your new community and make more of an impact than you could ever do on your shift. Whether you're looking into starting your own nonprofit or just want to contribute some extra hours each week, there are plenty of opportunities out there! Here's how:...read more




How To Preserve Nursing Relationships

Author: Adesuwa Ebuehi

We all know that nursing takes a toll on our personal lives, but it doesn't have to cost of all your relationships. By making some small changes in how you approach your job at work and looking outside of what's expected to care for others - whether they're patients or coworkers-you can find joy with each encounter while still being successful personally! Here I'll discuss three tips that will help your relationships thrive (even while juggling nursing duties)....read more




How To Save Money As A Travel Nurse

Author: Adesuwa Ebuehi

There's nothing worse than realizing you're broke and can't afford to take care of an emergency. But, luckily for travel nurses who want financially stable lives without having your lifestyle controlled by your insatiable thirst for Louis Vuitton– there are ways you could be saving more money! Here I will share some tips on how YOU too could start building up that savings account so when the time comes where life feels uncertain again (it always does), at least something has been set aside...for whatever may come next....read more




7 Things They Don't Tell You About Travel Nursing

Author: Adesuwa Ebuehi

When you're a nurse and travel the country, there are some things they don't tell you that could make your experience much smoother. Check out these seven tips!...read more




Three Situational Awareness Tips

Author: Adesuwa Ebuehi

Life can be pretty dangerous, especially if you're not aware of your surroundings. A lack in situational awareness will get anyone into trouble fast- don't let it happen to you!...read more




Picketing vs. Scab Nursing

Author: Adesuwa Ebuehi

Nursing strikes are a topic that many people are aware of, but not all the details. Media outlets often present one side of the story, which is not always accurate. Some believe nurses must go on strikes and picket actions in order to improve our healthcare system even if it means withdrawing services or closing down clinics temporarily which could cost lives! Others think striking might be going too far…either way no one wants any harm done!...read more




What To Do When You Are Not Working

Author: Adesuwa Ebuehi

Have you ever read a blog post or listened to a podcast telling nurses they should have outside lives? The truth is, it's not enough just reading books and watching TikTok videos. In order for those ideas of yours about what kind life you want to become your reality; there needs be some actions taken!...read more




Managing Difficult Patients

Author: Adesuwa Ebuehi

We all have patients who drive us crazy. But, there are some things you can do to deal with them and keep your sanity! Here's how......read more




Fun Travel Tips

Author: Adesuwa Ebuehi

I don't know about you, but I find it really boring when on a long trip. There's not much to do and my mind starts wandering off into all sorts of worst case scenarios! The best way to avoid this? Spice things up with some fun activities!...read more




Building Trust With Your Co-Workers

Author: Adesuwa Ebuehi

You may be a stronger nurse, but you'll never make it if your co-workers don't trust you. Here's how to build that teamwork reputation!...read more